Basics for parents of children with special needs

The main result:
You will be able to address your child’s unwanted behavior problems and teach them new skills. After the course there is an opportunity to extend supervision.

What you get:
– Begin to understand your child
– Be able to deal with behavior problems
– Teach your child to be social and follow rules
– Understand why he does what he does
– Academic, life, social play, verbal skills

Detailed description
This course is useful for parents of children with autism or other behavioral difficulties. It is also useful for parents of children with only problematic behavior or only developmental delays in certain skills.
Parents take the course individually. They do not need to wait for a group, they move from point A to point B under the supervision of an experienced professional.

The most important advantage: parents do not need to depend on specialists too much after the course. They will be able to solve many problems themselves in the process of raising their children, and many skills they will be able to master on their own.

Basics (behavior analysis) for parents

  1. In plain language about us.
  2. Behavioral goals and their classification.
  3. Incentives and punishments. Which is more effective?
  4. Undesirable and alternative behaviors.
  5. Supervisory control.
  6. Generalization (generalization) of skills.
  7. Prompting. Coaching and skills training.
  8. Academic and everyday skills. Stages of development.
  9. Social and group skills. Stages of development, basic skills.
  10. Verbal behavior. Types, how to develop, basic skills.
    Result: Learn modern parenting techniques and solve problems with problem behavior.

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